Saturday, June 16, 2007

fuck fashion photography

[this note is just a luapan emosi saja,, dont bother okeh]

fuck esmod, for those who will be entering esmod jakarta this summer,, good luck, may God bless you and keep you safe from all the evil demon there and welcome to hell on earth....

now i know i wanna be a lawyer and always have passion for art,, yes art not that fuckin' fashion whatevs,

i want to be an artist not annoying bitchy peeps in fashion industry like those peeps in esmod arggggggggghh fuck you all,, you make my life so fuckin' miserable,, shiit money oriented people why you have to lie at the first place,, kambing!

sorry, if you feel offended,, but if you feel offended that means you are one of them,, hehehe xP peace !

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