Wednesday, August 15, 2007

mission aborted,, repeat mission aborted

Sergeant Mind : General Soul, missions accomplished... regret check, bothering check.. whats next?

General Soul : ruining mission, sent heart missille to the enemy,,do whatever it takes, we have to win,,, victoryyy,, gloryyyy,,,

Sergeant Mind : copy!

... nguing nguing nguing ...

General Soul : Sergeant STTTOOPPP!!! mission aborted, repeat mission aborted..

Sergeant Mind : what happen aya naon General??!!!

General Soul : a group of Angels on earth come to me and save us from becoming an evil human,

Sergeant Mind : I do not understand... how come?

General Soul : we have to stop this fucking madness.... 
if we continue this, we will become like her... and I DO NOT WANT TO BECOME SUCH AN 
EVIL BITCH like her..

Sergeant Mind : but General, dont you realize,,, WE ALREADY BECOME AN EVIL BITCH..

General Soul : ...... silent sigh......

Sergeant Mind : am I right, General???

General Soul : hmm.. no, no, no.... hmmphh.. maybe yes,, maybe we are evil bitch BUT one thing for sure; we are NOT as the same as her.. at least we DIDNT make her lose anything, or hurt her, aight?!...

Sergeant Mind : ya ya, but General, I think we hurt her...........

General Soul : hurt is called hurt when it feels hurt... if she doesnt feel it, it cant be called hurt, do you read me Sergeant?!....

Sergeant Mind : Yes Sir,,, so the mission is aborted?

General Soul : Yes!

and so the story end,, mission aborted, no more revenge.. pissout everyone...


Anonymous said...

i know you always know how to keep your feet step a right block..
karna otak kanan dan kiri anda memang brilliant...


^eruma^ said...

engga juga mba,, kayanya yg saya lakukan terkadang bukan perbuatan yg baik juga hehehe xP