Friday, April 10, 2009

The Package

Theoretically, if you want something - you pray - you do your best effort - insya Allah you will get it.

Practically, sometimes when you want something - you just say it over and over again - no pray - no effort - but insist in getting it.

You might think that a realization of your wish may come in a nice cute package and you will be live happily ever after with it. Which is possible.

Other possibility is it may come in a shocking and not so cute package.

But either it come in a whatever package it is still what you are wish for.

So does not matter what the packaging is, what important is you get what you wish for. Maybe it is best for you if it come in a shocking package not in a cute nice one. It is God ways and God knows what best for you.

In my case, I always wish for a fabulous journey that can help me get over my past - sort of a life changing journey.

And I got it.

Means that when I pray and God gave it to me.

It may not come in the cutest package, but I got my journey and it was a life changing journey.

I was flying on a plane to my destination, when suddenly the plane dropped. I felt that the plane was going down without any control, stuffs were flying, people were screaming, calling help from God.

I thought "this is it". At that time, all picture of my previous life was passing fast in my head. And I realized that life is too short and I cannot tied up with my past.

I must move on. - if I can landed safely.

Now, here I am in my home writing this note to remind me what have happened and what I must do in the future.

I am very glad, knowing that the life changing experience was the answer for my wish.

The answer from God. It may not come it a cute nice package but I like it. God is nice, Alhamdulillah.

So, maybe a realization of your wish may not come in a certain way that you have expected. But, there is always something behind everything. We just need to figure it out and bersyukur - be glad with everything.

Peace takecare goodluck

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