Sunday, July 05, 2009

Mengingatmu menyesakkan dada

I'm trapped in my own feeling.

Try to get rid of it but everything remind me of U again and again and again...

U are far from everything, it will be easier for U to forget, nothing will remind U of me.

U won't hear your friends talking about me, asking about me, your friends do not even know me.

U won't go to places that we used to go since U are far.

Here, my friends are your friends, even my own friends know U. They are talking about U, asking about U.

No matter how hard I try to avoid to go to places that remind me of U, it still can't be done, since Jakarta is small, where ever I go I see those places.

U won't hear "gimana Erma?" or "kmrn g chatting sm Erma" or "kenal si ini ga? itu temennya Erma" or "lo masih berhubungan sm Erma ga?"

In the contrary,

I often hear that kind of stuff and the worst part is I don't have a job, I can't keep myself busy.

I know it's not your fault, maybe it's my fault because I can't keep myself busy or keep my mind occupied by something else other than U.

But still, at least U don't have someone that will ask U about me.

It's kinda unfair, I think.

Anyway, maybe I'm too much on this, I'm not suppose to think about U. But I still need to write something down to mengurangi rasa sesak di dada.

Ya, that is my sole purpose untuk mengurangi rasa sesak didada karena mengingatmu yang mana seharusnya tidak mengingatmu.

PS: dear my beloved friends, if you happen to read this post I hope you can understand why I don't want to hear about him anymore. And it is not easy, please understand. Thank you ☺.





cheesy-writer said...

smile dear :)

^eruma^ said...

Tengkyu Cecen :)