Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This is weird

Just today, like two hours ago, I found someone facebook page and the weird part is once I browsed his page I feel that "if I were a boy I would like to be him" somehow I feel we have common resemblance (at least based on his pictures on his page).

Isn't that weird? How many times in your life you feel something like this? --this is not love for sure--

Isn't that weird? Maybe I'm not that rare after all.. I used to think that there is no human being like what I have in my mind. And voilaaa yes today I know that someone is exist and alive.

Now I know and fully aware that there are soooo many kind of people in this round big world.

Maybe there is a chance or at least a small slight chance for me to find what I have been looking for..

I crossed my finger :)

Ps: I don't even know the guy from facebook, he is even not in my friend list. Maybe we can be friends someday. Hehehe xP

Happy Mother's Day Mom!


Anonymous said...

ma bahasa inggrisnya jago bgt...hehe:P siapa tuh ma cowonya? -ipang-

^eruma^ said...

Nah itu dia gua juga ga kenal hahaha xD

Anonymous said...

wahahaha kenalan dong makanya..:P ma lo ada myspace ga?

^eruma^ said...

kaya gampang aja kenalan sama orang tidak dikenal... lupa kayanya ada myspace tapi ud ga pernah diliat" lagi.. passwordnya juga udah ga tau hehehe xP

Anonymous said...

ntar deh gw doain biar kenalan!haha...ma tulis menulis lg lg dong yg baru baru gw mau baca2 lg...eh gmana kainya dah dapet blom? eh lo tau cipadu kan disitu jg banyak kaen2 loh...temen gw jg ada tuh tukang kaen..emangnya lo nyari kain apa? kalo kain kafan lg ga ada stock 'djayus mode : on' x(

-NonaIrNa- said...

aku kenal orangnya ya dek? :P

^eruma^ said...

Thanks Mba :) - no need further explanations kan? hehehe xP