Sunday, February 21, 2010

a smartass lil' girl teaches her Romo Swiwi (Romo : Guru - Swiwi : Wings))

Romo, i think there are several things that we need to accept as it is...

1. Family
2. Past Memories
3. Ourself..

hmmm no no Romo, i think i'm wrong... we can change ourself if we have will. but we cannot change our family and past memories.

since we can't change it, i think we have to accept it as it is.. that's my Papi told me :D

MiPapi : "Nduk, tidak semua hal bisa sesuai dengan keinginan kita.. kalau di dunia ini ada hal yang tidak sesuai dengan keinginan  kita dan hal itu tidak bisa dirubah, yang kita yang menyesuaikan"

MyDad: "My daughter, not everything will work as we wanted, if there is something that not worked as we want and it can not be changed, we must adapt with it"

So Romo... Past memories are definitely something that cannot be changed, no matter what.. Our memory is something that we cannot set according to what we want.. Memory cannot be erased or changed.. it records what happen in the past... what can we do with our past? only remember it and keep it in our memory...

since it cannot be changed.. i think we just need to accept our past memories as it is.. it could be happy memories or sad memories... a memory that we want to keep or maybe a memory that we wish we could delete... 

but again, we cannot delete or erase our memories... you know, sometimes i wish i could go to Dr. Howard Mierzwiak to get removal for my unwanted memories hehehe xP

Romo, i think its better for you (and me of course) to accept our past memories as it is. if there is something that we cannot forget, probably that "something" is something that we must not forget.. 

Frankly, i don't know what i just write, hahaha xD -- i'm still struggling to make peace with some of my past memories..  

Romo, maybe there is someone that we need to keep in our memory for the rest of our life.. and no matter how hard we try to erase her/him, she/he will remain in our memory and maybe our heart too..  it just worked like that and cannot be changed...

Make peace with your past lah Romo... Jalani yang baik dengan Mbakyu.. Punya memori kan bukan berarti tidak sayang sama Mbakyu kan... :D itu yang penting.. sayangnya ke Mbakyu itu lhoooo..

Kalo kata Slank mah "Terlalu Manis Untuk Dilupakan"

hahahaha xD

Romo,, maafkan gadis kecil yang sok tahu ini yap yap yap Peace //-_-\\

Peace TakeCare GoodLuck


romojolim said...

Yap yap yap
Sudah kubaca, ini harusnya kemarin di YM ya?
Ty Eruma
Soal SlanK itu aku setuju
Kadang teringat kata Panglima Tian Feng a.k.a Ti Pat Kay "Cinta deritanya, tiada akhir" ahahaha

^eruma^ said...

iya versi panjangnya YM ini hehehe xP

"Cinta Deritanya Tiada Akhir".. tau gitu harusnya ga bercinta"an ya Romo dari dulu biar ga menderita hahaha xD

PeaceTakeCareGoodluck buat Romo kekkekekekekekekkekekekkekekekekekkekekekekkek

romojolim said...

aku ikut ngekek juga dan jadi membayangkan kekeh an mu (walau belum pernah ketemu), ter kekeh karena "harusnya gausah bercinta2an", tapi gimana Ma, memang tiada bisa ditahan yang namanya cinta tau2 datang hahaha, ya peacetakecaregoodluck juga buat Eruma

^eruma^ said...

ngekek ki opo tho Romo.. lucu juga kalo di tulis "ngekek" kalo dibaca kedengeran biasa aja tapi kalo ditulis jadi lucu saya jadi ngekek kekekekekekkekekekekeke xK