Sunday, March 14, 2010

Heart Button

Tonight I can't study..

My brain is occupied..

Something in running back and forth in my mind..

People said that a girl can do multitasking..

But not for this time..

I can't study while having * inside my mind.. You are suppose to be in my heart, no no you are not suppose to be anywhere in me..

Ooo why I'm so stupid -_- I wish I was heartless and feel-less, so I won't feel anything and I can study for tomorrow exam... It's been years since my last written exam.. And I can't study tonight -__-..... So stupid me, let my heart feel something in a wrong time..

Is there any button to stop a heart from doing its function?

Tell me please... Asap.. -_-

Peace TakeCare GoodLuck


romojolim said...

well you can pm me

-NonaIrNa- said...

dek, kalo udah ketemu, kasih tau aku ya tempatnya dimana. i really need to know