Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Love is just a reason

(what I'm talking about here is love between two people - not love for the earth or whatsoever..)

When you are in my age, you will see love as a ridiculous thing.
it is no longer funny or make butterflies in your stomach fly..
it is more like a non-sense reason just to fulfill someone's ego..

When i was young, love is a funny-cute thing that can make butterflies in your stomach fly...
it gives red blush to your cheeks, sweaty hands and happy to the maxx feeling...

But now.. i see love has different excitement.

I'm not saying that love is a bad thing, it is just a reason.
Yes love is a reason for me.
Reason for someone to get what they want.

In my sole opinion, love is a commercial term. People in entertainment and advertisement industries use it to sell their products. You can count by yourself how many movies, music and advertisements inspired by love - then compare with others that are inspired by different matters. This is not bad, they are just using love to earn money. See... love has become their reason to get income.

What i see from my surrounding (probably it is different with yours),
People use love to fulfill their ego (i know its sounds weird... let me explain..)

Love suppose to be a happy situation where everybody is happy, right?
What if you "love" someone but in other hand you are hurting other person? it is definitely not a happy situation. And you refuse to let go your partner because you love her/him - even though you are fully aware that by loving your partner it will hurt somebody else. You use "love" just to fulfill your ego - to get what you want by ignoring other people's feelings.

I read somewhere that there is a theory saying that love is just a reason for human to survive in this world - which is lead to reproduction activities.

So, from what i know and learn up to now - love is just a reason. A reason that is not strong enough to build a relationship between two people. (at least that's my opinion :D)


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