and one day, i look back - once.. just once..
I do not regret it. Sometimes when you look back, you'll find something new - might be interesting might be not. It depends on how you see things.
When you are ready to move on, somehow on 'weird' way the universe will help you to prepare whatever you might face afterwards... Sure, moving on is not the easiest phase in someone's life but it is a phase that everybody must face.
Writing - good friends - music are some of many good companions in 'moving on' phase. However, the most important thing is your own mind. Many people will say that the most important thing is your own heart. But not for me.. your mind controls your heart - that is why you have your brain in your head not in your stomach :D
Yesterday, I looked back on something that I've left years ago.. and I found something.. it made me feel -idontknowwhattowrite- and somehow it was something that I'd wished to happen but yesterday it felt so not right.
Today, I realize that I am happy with my life and what is behind is just a past and whatever happen in my past should be happy too - i know this sentence is quite confusing ^__^
Now i fully understand that I have wished for someone's happiness - someone in my past - now he has got it. I am happy for U.. just like these songs - songs that I always sing for U...
Someone New
I Wish You Love
28 June 2010
kok aku ga bisa ya kayak kamu,,
wishing him finding someone new..
sepertinya saya tidak dewasa...
like this.. n happy that u can move on.. ^_^
Mba Mir.. bisa Mba pasti bisa :D hugs..
Andina.. thank you.. hugs..
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